
     Before I start explaining and teaching you certain things about shotguns please be sure to look at the previous pages before because they will give you basic information about shotguns and other important facts. Now that you have read the introduction and understand the basics of the shotgun we can go into more detail. First I will explain what all you want to look for when buying the perfect shotgun and later I will explain many different places you can buy, sell, and trade shotguns. I will be sure to keep you up to date when the manufacturers start producing new models.
     In this paragraph we will discuss many parts of the gun that you must make sure are perfect for you. A VERY important aspect of the shotgun is in the stock or butt of the gun. You must make sure that you like the feel of the stock, because if it isn't right your shoulder probably won't feel very good the next couple of days. It depends on how big the shotgun is, but there are pads you can add on to your gun later. The trigger on a shotgun isn't that important to most people, but you have to be sure it performs like you want. In the next paragraph I will tell you how to figure out if the shotgun is good or not.
     Once you think you have figured out what you want please don't go out there and buy the cheapest on you can find without looking in to it first. Go around many stores and talk with many people about the gun to make sure it is in good shape. Some stores try to lie and the first time you shoot it the barrel blows off. Please don't let this happen by looking at my free list of places to get information on guns. I will be adding a page that gives a list of places to buy, sell, and trade guns also. The best thing to do is get a shotgun specialist to come and look at the gun to make sure it is going to perform how you want it to. The next paragraph will be about the size of your gun.
     This is another one of those decisions you are going to have to make. Some people say some people cant handle bigger guns like 10 gauge and so on, but it really depends on how old you are and what you are using the gun for. As you might know the lower the gauge number gets the more it is going to kick. It also determines how much the bb's will spread out. Most people tend to get 12 gauges because they are a good choice for many different activities. I'm not trying to force the buy or anything but I personally prefer the 12 gauge over others, because it can be used in many different ways and situations. I use it for skeet shooting, hunting, and self-defense. It is also a good gun because it does't wear you out as much as other guns. It really depends on the person as to what you want so I will let you all determine that.
     Now that I have explained the important facts you need to know about purchasing the right gun you are ready to start searching and buying your gun. I will post a page that tells you where a lot of people buy there guns from and update you on future guns and websites. Remember make sure you want the gun before you walk out with at, and if you can it would be smart to shoot it a few times and get a feel for it. I hope you learned what you came here for and if you have ANY questions please post them on the home page. Have fun with your new gun!

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